When you think of herbs to use medicinally, I bet Cayenne pepper doesn’t come to mind. Cayenne Pepper may be the best herb ever in my opinion! It seriously is amazing for so many things!
You are probably thinking….well I’m not too much of a spicy fan so why would I want cayenne pepper? Believe me, I am not a spicy fan either, however, the medicinal benefits are spectacular! Lets delve in and take a look at all the fabulous benefits!
General Info
Before we get into the wonderful benefits of cayenne pepper (capsasium annum), here are a few things you should know. The fruit and seeds are the medicine, it can be added to other herbs to boost its effectiveness, and should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy or if you are taking pharmaceutical blood thinners. The general tincture dosage guideline to follow for adults is ¼ to 1 tsp 2-3 times a day if consuming internally. A tincture can also be used topically.
Medicinal Benefits
*It is good for shock, internal bleeding, external bleeding, inflammation, circulation, arthritis, sore throats, colds, sinuses, heart attacks, blood sugar levels, acid production, stomach pH, stomach mucous production, stomach ulcers, cholesterol, and weight loss.
It is also used as an expectorant to break up mucous in the lungs and can be used to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and therefore can help with blood pressure (low and high). On top of this, it can help with the itching from diabetic neuropathy and it can help with pain because it desensitizes nerves and interferes with the nerve transmission of pain.
As you can see, cayenne is absolutely unequivocal an AMAZING herb. Let me say that again…..AMAZING! If you don’t have this on your shelf, you need to. Grow it or buy it. Just get it!
If you want to purchase this herb, please consider using this affiliate link to purchase it. I highly recommend this link because of how they process and store herbs. You can’t always trust who you purchase from online, but with this company, I truly do feel it is top of the line and high quality. Just go to this link and type in ‘Cayenne’.
If you would like to find out more about the author or learn about other herbs, please consider visiting this link.
Stay natural!
~Dr. Amanda P. Cartwright