Lets talk today about an herb that I absolutely love growing. This herb has many medicinal benefits, very easy to grow, and it is beautiful in your herb garden. The tiny yellow and white flowers give an array of color, are great for pollination, and have a scent of apples and pears. The tiny flower is the medicine and I just love harvesting this and then taking a whiff. Delicious smelling! This little tiny herb packs a powerful punch in the realm of natural medicine. I can’t wait to tell you more!
Chamomile can grow as an annual or a perennial. It all depends on the type you grow. If you grow german chamomile, you can expect it to be an annual but it will give a slightly stronger medicinal effect. On the other hand, there is roman chamomile. Roman chamomile is perennial and will come back year after year. It isn’t as potent as german chamomile but it tends to be less bitter, blooms longer, and make many more flowers.
Medicinal Benefits
The flowers are the medicine of the plant. It has a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body. Most people know that it is great for sleep but it has many more benefits! It acts as an anti-spasmodic, ant-biotic, and anti fungal. It is also an anti viral. It can stimulate the immune system and it can help with anxiety attacks, menstrual cramps, the liver, digestion, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, IBS, the kidneys, muscle spasms, and rashes. It can even help with sciatic pain, especially if you combine it with copper! I encourage you to grow this herb on your homestead and see how wonderful it is to have medicine in your own yard.
If you want to purchase this herb, please consider using this affiliate link to purchase it. I highly recommend this link because of how they process and store herbs. You can’t always trust who you purchase from online, but with this company, I truly do feel it is top of the line and high quality. Just go to this link and type in ‘Chamomile’.
If you would like to find out more about the author or learn about other herbs, please consider visiting this link.
Stay natural! ~Dr. Amanda P. Cartwright
This is great information. Thank you so much.