Have you tried echinacea for its amazing health benefits for colds and flu’s? It is great for this, however echinacea has many more benefits! Did you know that this cold and flu herb is good to have in a survival situation for more than just colds and flus? It is so good that it is in my top 10 herbs to have for survival! In this post, we are going to go over the many health benefits of echinacea and how you need to have this on hand now!
Did you know that echinacea, also known as coneflower, is an anti-inflammatory and can boost your immune system? It is good for viral infections, bacterial infections, abscesses, arthritis, infected wounds, and even sepsis! You will never guess what that one thing is that most people have no idea about that makes echinacea so good to have on hand is. It is rattlesnake bites! A rattlesnake bite is extremely venomous for you or your animals.
When a rattlesnake bites, it injects extremely harmful venom that immediately starts to break down the hyaluronic acid in your body. Think of it like this….the hyaluronic acid is the mortar and your cells are the bricks. The hyaluronic acid keeps your cells together. When a rattlesnake bites you, the hyaluronic acid in your body quickly begins to break down and dissolve, eating into your body and destroying everything in its path. It can result in major disfigurement or even death. Echinacea naturally produces hyaluronic acid so by applying the crushed root immediately, it can help stop the breakdown of the bodies hyaluronic acid and possibly save your life!
If you liked this explosive lightbulb herbal moment, please check out my herbal posts and videos found here and on youtube.
If you want to purchase this herb, please consider using this affiliate link to purchase it. I highly recommend this link because of how they process and store herbs. You can’t always trust who you purchase from online, but with this company, I truly do feel it is top of the line and high quality. Just go to this link and type in ‘Echinacea’.
If you would like to find out more about the author or learn about other herbs, please consider visiting this link.
Stay natural!
~Dr. Amanda P. Cartwright