I am happy to send a bi-monthly email with herbal education (Sign up here) but you may want to learn a bit faster and more in depth. If you do, I sure do have a great way you can do that!
If you want to learn herbs well, know how to identify, how to use them, when to use them, and why to use them to help your health, your families health, or your animals health, I HIGHLY recommend using this link for the Homegrown Herbalist School of Botanical Studies. This school is amazing.
I spent countless years in school obtaining an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and doctorate degree. I was trained in diagnosing and treating through herbal means but I admit I never learned herbs well until I took this online school. It is lifetime access and you work at your own pace. You can even ask questions to the doc himself through the message boards.
The doctor is Dr. Patrick Jones. He is a doctor of natural medicine and veterinarian. There are other online herbal schools out there but nothing as good as this school. The reason I am able to implement herbs and teach about herbs is because of this training I received through the Homegrown Herbalist School of Botanical Studies (link here)
I always encourage anyone to grow herbs yourself and have a pharmacy in your backyard, however if you don’t grow herbs, this affiliate link will allow you to purchase dried herbs and premade tinctures. You must be careful purchasing dried herbs or premade tinctures online. Some companies may dry the herbs with high heat or store the dried herbs in conditions not conducive to a long shelf life. Tinctures may be comprised of less than you are lead to believe. That is why I highly recommend purchasing from this link. They harvest, dry, and store the herbs properly, ensuring you a highly sought after, quality product. If you want to know more about this or biohacking your body for longevity, please feel free to email me or speak to me at the events at which I speak!